Ultrasharp 45, improve the design on the base of ultrasharp, enhance the thickness of knife-blade. The pre-cutting angle is 60° from 45°, in addition, there are 4 screws on the cover. The design is so judgmatical that makes ultrasharp+ more prefect.
特利剪60是专为剪切纤维夹织特树脂导向带的设计,亦适用于聚四氟乙烯添加物材料(PTFE LOADED),易碎材料除外。金属夹盖上的4根微调螺丝可调节刀片角度,令切口齐整,不需作打磨或去毛边处理。预设角度调整,适用于直口或斜口剪切,除原装特利刀片外,亦可安装普通文具刀片代用,每片刀片前后两段可分开使用,节省成本
ULTRA SHARP60 is a speciality cutter for resin fabric bearing strip (not include fragile material). The 4 screws on the cover can fine turning the angle of the blade. It can make perfect kerf at once without any deflashing process. The blade can be replaced by regular stationary blade. 1 blade can be use twice.